My Story

I was born in London and grew up in the west country of England, near Bath in Somerset.
I’ve always been a creative, an artist, weaving color and beauty into every place I’ve ever lived. As a child my favorite pastimes were nature walks led by my teacher to canal and river banks, and learning to sew, write, cook, knit and create art from foraged finds in nature.
I now live in the mountains of western North Carolina close to my daughters. My gardens are host to sacred herbs and flowers, many of which are grown for romanybotanicals. I collaborate with the garden devas and the flowers to create flower essences and magical elixirs. My work with plant spirit medicine and flowers has become my way of being. I live close to the earth and feel deeply connected to the land where I live, I follow the seasons, I plant by the moon phases and I share everyday wisdom with those who are curious. Through the wisdom of the flowers, I am here to help others know themselves and hear their calling.
When asked what I do, I say my life is a “mixed media collage”.
photo credit: mollyaharris
I’m an artist in all my endeavors, I’ve been described as “A Sorceress of Gardens”, and “The One who teaches the World about Magic!” It’s my way of expressing my love for all that grows.
My garden is a place where herbs, food and flowers grow together in harmony. No seeds are sewn in straight lines and everyone thrives, wild and free. Hyacinth vines and Wild Roses wrap the fence, Nasturtium tendrils meander through the beds. Dahlias and Sunflowers reach for the sky and the morning dew is heavy with the scent of Lavender and Rosemary, Bee Balm and Delphinium, all alive with butterflies and bees.
In Winter I winter. I write, study, read and offer workshops in the healing arts and plant medicine. In spring I emerge with the Narcissus and Hellebore and my inner world becomes my outer world once more.